Permanent laser depilation

Permanent laser depilation

Permanent laser depilation is actually the most efficient method to erradicate unwanted hair, since in addition to its great results it improves the appearance of the skin, especially on the areas shaded by hairs or noticeable folicules.

Other advantages of undergoing a permanent laser depilation is any type of blemish or folliculitis (ingrown hair) gets eliminated permanently with the laser depilation.

Furthermore, the hair can be removed for good in only a few sessions leaving behind rushed depilations before going on vacation or waxing complications; it also improves the dark spots produced by the frequent wax depilations.

The elimination of hair with this advanced lightsheer laser depilation system, approved by the fda (food and drug administration) guarantees its results. It eliminates 90% of the hair in any area of the body.

It is worth mentioning than both the pulsed light and the laser only work on dark hairs. Blonde, grey and red hairs do not absorb the light.

The first thing Dr. Speziale will tell you about this treatment is that for it to work, the laser needs a high level of penetration into the folicule, which tends to be a little discomforting depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

If the depilation does not hurt, it usually means that the hair is just getting refined, not destroyed. “this does not only reduce the quality of the job but it also refines the hair so much that it will not be able to be depilated again” says Dr. Speziale.


  • It is convenient that in preparation for each session the patient has shaven (not depilated), meaning that the hair is present to have the most number of folicules with hair in them.
  • It is recommended to have a session every 3 weeks and the average is between 6 and 8 sessions. This can vary depending on the patient’s skin coloration and the amount of hair.
  • It does not require any further medical instructions, with the exception to avoid sun exposure immediately after since the treated area may be sensitive and reddened by the heat.

If you are ready to undergo this treatment, book your appointment, call us at (612) 129-5252 or write to contacto@cirujanoplasticospeziale.Com