The breast augmentation achieves a fuller more firm bosom helping correct the sagging through the use of sillicon implants. At any rate, the individual’s anatomy and the size of the implant affect the degree of this benefit. Many women opt for a breast augmentation in conjuction with a breast lift to give their bosom a fuller and more firm appearance.
There are various reasons why women choose to get a breast augmentation done. Pregnancies and breast feeding, and changes in weight have a significant impact in the volume, firmness and symmetry of the bosom, making women feel insecure or dissatisfied with their appearance. Others feel like their bosom is underdeveloped and want to have a fuller bosom, in proportion to their bodies. Many women after the procedure feel a renewed sense of confidence and are happy with their new and improved image.
The first step towards having beautiful breasts, is to book an informative consultation with dr. Speziale to learn about his options. If you wish to meet Dr. Speziale and talk about his personal aesthetic objectives, please call our office (612) 129-5252 or send us an email.