
The abdominal surgery or abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes big pieces of skin and fat. It is suggested for people with pronounced flaccidity in the abdomen either after pregnancies or excessive weight loss. The majority of women who require an abdominoplasty have flaccid abdominal muscles which contributes to that bulky belly appearance and loss of waist definition in the patient, which is why these muscles gets stitched up and their strenght renewed.

How is it done?

  • The abdominoplasty consists of a transversal incision from hip to hip passing above the pubic area, removing all of the skin and fat that sits from the belly button to the pubic area. The upper part of the abdomen, the skin from the belly button to the sternum is stretched and pulled to stitch the intial incision. For that reason this surgery is only recommended to people with severe flaccidity in their abdominal region. The size of the incision depends on the flaccidity of the skin and/or fat excess. This procedure can be done on its own or in conjuction with a liposuction, depending on the case.
  • It is important to point out that an abdominoplasty is not a treatment for obesity; it’s a surgical procedure that corrects the abdominal muscles and eliminates the excess of skin and fatty tissue in the belly. However, care and constant discipline are required since a good diet and exercise play a fundamental role in our physical balance.
  • The mini abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes excess of skin and fat from the belly button to the pubic area, candidates are those patients who do not have severe flaccidity in the abdomen to perform a full abdominoplasty. The advantage is that the incision is only a little bigger than a caesarean. Generally during this procedure, liposculpture of the higher abdomen and waist is performed. The result is a flat abdominal area and a thinner waist.
  • If you are considering getting the abdominoplasty done, be mindful of having a trustworthy and certified plastic surgeon who can explain all the details of this procedure for your particular case. If you need more information, write or call us. We can clarify any doubt you may have.


  • The first 8-10 days you need to walk slightly bent forward to avoid stretching the wound.
  • Use a waist band for 1 month.
  • The stitches get taken out after 12 days.
  • You can go back to your normal routine, without exercise, after 12 days. Physical activity after 1 month.

How many days to recover from an abdominoplasty?

  • You can go back to your normal routine, without exercise, after 12 days.

Will I experience pain in the recovery process?

  • In 95% of cases, patients do not experience any type of pain. Although some patients are more sensitive to pain than others, they might experience some discomfort.
  • All plastic surgeries go through an inflammation period. In the case of an abdomen, 90% disappears after 1 month.

Will I have a visible scar?

  • Yes, but even a small piece of underwear will cover it. The scar will appear pink during the first 6 months, then between the 6th and 8th month, it will turn white.

Will the stretch marks that I have in my abdomen disappear with this surgery?

  • All of the stretch marks from the belly button to the pubic area will be removed with the skin; the ones above will end up lower when the skin gets stretched, becoming less visible.

Can the abdominoplasty be done in conjuction with other procedures?

  • Yes, this is a good surgical opportunity to correct other areas.

Abdominoplasty from pfollers on Vimeo.

Succesful abdominoplasty cases

Abdominoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Abdominoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Abdominoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Abdominoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale