Breast reduction is a procedure that many women resort to because they want to have a more balanced look, or to alleviate the discomfort caused by big breasts.
As indicated by the name, breast reduction is a surgical procedure that dr. Speziale recommends to his patients that look to reduce the size of their breasts, achieving harmony between the size of the mammaries and the rest of the body and improve their posture as well.
Through the mammary reduction surgery, dr. Speziale is able to reduce the fat, the glandular tissue and the skin of the breast to make them lighter, firm and of course smaller. This surgery can also reduce the size of the areola (the skin around the nipple and slightly darker)
That would be women with the following ailments:
If you are ready to get a reduction in the size of your breasts, book an evaluating consultation to talk with Dr. Speziale and clarify all of your doubts about this procedure; in addition you can discuss with him the best options for your case. Call us at (612) 129-5252 or write us at Book an appointment.