This is without a doubt one of the procedures most frequently done to improve the facial features. Just like unwanted aesthetic defects can be corrected; functional problems obstructing breathing can also be fixed. With rhinoplasty we can solve issues related to the size of the nose, either make it bigger or smaller, correct deviations to a side, reduce the hump or elevation. The important thing is that it can solve both aesthetic as well as health issues.
Currently there is a modern technique that the plastic surgeons use known as perfiloplasty, which consists not only in remodelling the nose but in achieving a harmony in all of the facial features. The aesthetics of the forehead, the nose, the lips and the chin depend of a proportioned equillibrium amongst them.
Therefore, a rhinoplasty that only corrects the appearance of the nose could not be enough if a receding chin is not corrected as well.
Likewise, the nose cannot look a little smaller if the chin is prominent.
DIn this manner the nose surgery in conjuction with the perfilolasty looks for a harmony not only on the nose but in the patient’s face in general. That is, the optimal result, typically, makes all of the facial features result in a “natural” look.