
This is without a doubt one of the procedures most frequently done to improve the facial features. Just like unwanted aesthetic defects can be corrected; functional problems obstructing breathing can also be fixed. With rhinoplasty we can solve issues related to the size of the nose, either make it bigger or smaller, correct deviations to a side, reduce the hump or elevation. The important thing is that it can solve both aesthetic as well as health issues.

Currently there is a modern technique that the plastic surgeons use known as perfiloplasty, which consists not only in remodelling the nose but in achieving a harmony in all of the facial features. The aesthetics of the forehead, the nose, the lips and the chin depend of a proportioned equillibrium amongst them.

Therefore, a rhinoplasty that only corrects the appearance of the nose could not be enough if a receding chin is not corrected as well.

Likewise, the nose cannot look a little smaller if the chin is prominent.

DIn this manner the nose surgery in conjuction with the perfilolasty looks for a harmony not only on the nose but in the patient’s face in general. That is, the optimal result, typically, makes all of the facial features result in a “natural” look.

How is a rhinoplasty carried out?

  • This is a surgery that is performed under general anesthesia, for the safety of doctor and patient. Local anesthesia is also applied to decrease the depth of the general anesthesia. The amount of bleeding also decreases with this.
  • This is an outpatient surgery, meaning you can go home the same day of the surgery, at night.
  • A nose patch gets worn for a 2-3 week period. The grotesque swelling goes away in that period.
  • SIf you are considering getting the rhinoplasty done, be mindful of having a trustworthy and certified plastic surgeon who can explain all the details of this procedure for your particular case. If you need more information, write or call us. We can clarify any doubt you may have.

Sucessful Rhinoplasty cases

Rinoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Rinoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Rinoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale

Rinoplastía por Dr. Manlio Speziale