Many of the women candidates that come to dr. Speziale for a breast augmentation want to have bigger breasts, with a better shape and a younger appearance. For this reason women prefer to have their breasts and nipples in a higher position. This can be achieved through a breast lift treatment or mastopexy combined with implants. The objective of this procedure combination is to recreate volume and the shape of the breast, complimented by the adequate implants. The breast lift with implants is a great option for women whose breasts have lost their shape and have become soft and saggy after pregnancy, lactation period, weight loss or genetic factors.
The mastopexy or breast lift is a surgery that will relocate the nipple and areola in a frontal position where they belong and will lift the gland, removing the excess skin of the inferior pole (that is under the areola).
As there are different kinds of ptosis or breast sagging, there are also different ways to correct them; from the smallest incision or scar by resecting the skin around the areola and lifting it to a height where you give the breasts a more youthful and tense appearance; to the ample resection of the skin, lifting the areola-nipple to the desired height. In the latter, the scar will have an anchor shape.
Every case if different depending on the size of the breasts and the degree of sagging, which is why the scar will be different. Dr. Manlio speziale uses a technique for breast lifting with mammary implants that creates the best possible results with the least scars.
Obtain more imformation about the combination of a breast lift with mammary implants.