After breast augmentation, liposculture is the most frequently performed procedure in the field of plastic surgery world wide.
Liposculture is synonim of liposuction. The purpose of liposculture is to sculpt the body, hence the name “liposculpture”. It consists of giving the body a better shape my means of extracting fatty deposits, which allows to mold in a safe manner the body contour and improve the physique by removing unwated fat.
There are different types of fat deposits: hereditary and acquired. The latter, caused by unhealthy diet can range from mild to severe; and the hereditary are those whose fat deposits begin to appear in adolescence like: the doule chin, the saddle bags , the love handles, the inside of the thighs, the hips and waist.
It is worth mentioning that liposuction is ideal to treat the hereditary deposits and 1st grade obesity. These fat deposits can be a nightmare and in many cases even diets and exercise are not successful.